Gelato Artigianale Italiano

The Master Ice-cream maker Palmiro Bruschi

Il Maestro Palmiro BruschiPalmiro Bruschi was born in Sansepolcro on August 31, 1967.

His professional experience begins at an early age, when he trains at "Arte Dolce" in Rimini and "Cast alimenti" in Brescia.

In February of 1994 he is named best Italian Master Ice-Cream maker.

In March 1997 is becomes a Member of the Accademia della Gelateria Italiana (

Since 2008 he teaches at the Gelato University Carpigiani.

During his outstanding career he was invited to many well-known tv programmes. His work has been reviewed by prestigious newspapers and magazines, both at national and international level. He has travelled around the world acting as a consultant for businesses operating in the ice-cream making sector, as well as representing Italy from Tokio to Melbourne, from Hong Kong to New York, from San Paolo to Mosca.

Palmiro Bruschi

For a full cv of Palmiro Bruschi see:

You can also visit the website of his gelateria at: